Care Pregnancy Resource Center offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy services.


Our Center148-800

A letter from the Director…

I know you’re searching. This is a frightening time in your life. You may think you have no where to turn.
You don’t know who you can talk to or even if you can talk to anyone. You don’t know what to do. Who can help?

Where to go? So many questions -so little answers. Does anyone even care?

At the CARE Center you DO matter! Very much.

We DO care - very much!

We understand that life seems very confusing right now.

But if you’ll stop for a moment take a deep breath and make up your own mind to take a step.
One small step to get some advice- to talk it over privately, and let us help you through this tough time.

We’re just jars of clay too, that the Potter is using to make a difference in your life.

Call us for an appointment to come in and let us sit down and try to help you sort this all out and do what we can to help you, knowing you are loved. With care, Claudia